Penguin Costume

I wore this costume while volunteering at a science show for kids at Bosai Institute (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience), in which I was actively involved in the 2000s.

Shojin Cuisine

Shojin ryori is a type of vegan Buddhist cuisine in Japan.

Toronto Harbor Tour

I went to Montreal and Toronto, Canada in 2011 to visit research groups in universities before applying to schools.

Tunnel in Detroit Airport

I found this illuminated tunnel in Detroit Airport while transiting on the way from Narita to Montreal.

CVS Drug

I went to a hospital during the stay in Houston because of stomachache.

Dormitory in Houston

I stayed in Houston, US from June to August, 2011 for NanoJapan program.

Chemistry Shelves

I saw these shelves at Rice University while looking for some equipment for experiments.

Sample of Carbon Nanotube

While staying at Rice University, I measured the properties of carbon nanotube samples including the one in the photo.

Umeda Sky Building

The escalator connects two buildings and leads to the observatory of Umeda Sky Building.

Signs after Earthquake

After the 311 earthquake, trains were severely disrupted. These signs show the status of the schedule.