Tech is Nonbinary

I did painting with my fingers, which was later used in a performance at Creative Commons Global Summit.

Caption of Frank Walter Paintings

An caption of Frank Walter’s paintings at MMK was very informative.

Manhole in Dusseldorf

I took a photo of a drain and a manhole in Dusseldorf, but I do not remember what struck me.

Fading Marker

Marker on a whiteboard was fading because of eraser.

Unique Hotel

The unique hotel, or a unique hotel.

Holes at Koeln-Muelheim Station

Holes and damages were marked by spray paint.

Derendorf Station

I went to Derendorf Station to visit Hochschule Dusseldorf. The sign reminds me of the abbreviation of “Did Not Finish” in Formula 1.

Euroforum Display

I found this glitch on a building screen.

Items from Flat

As I needed to clean up the flat from the old tenant, I took some grocery and items back home.

Arrow at Museum Ludwig

Arrow signs are added in response to COVID-19.