Second Apartment in Montreal

I moved to this apartment after a year since I moved to Montreal.

S. Pellegrino Chinotto

San Pellegrino Chinotto is one of my favorite drink because of its distinct flavor, but it is difficult to find outside Italy.

Krups Espresso Machine

I found this used espresso machine on kijiji for $45. It is not the best quality but I used it for nearly 5 years in Montreal.

Statue in Toronto

When I saw this statue on Front Street in Toronto, it immediately reminded me of Art Tower Mito.

Beverly Street Sign

Around Chinatown area in Toronto, street signs are written both in English and in Chinese.

Schwartz Sandwich

Montreal is famous for smoked meet, and Schwartz is thought to be the best in town.

Restaurant in Tarragona

A friend brought us to a restaurant at a coast.


I saw this aqueduct with my brother when I visited him in Spain in 2012.

Intrepid Museum

I heard of this museum when I was planning a trip from Japan to the east coast with a friend of mine back in 2009.

Lab at McGill University

I spent four years at the Shared Reality Lab, Centre for Intelligent Machines at McGill University, first three years as a master’s student and the last year as a research assistant.