AAPA is one of my favorite dance studios in Japan, focusing on releasing and contact improvisation.

Small Pizza

My brother drove us to Pinocchio, an Italian restaurant owned by an Italian chef.

Art Tower Mito

A friend of mine drove me to Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture to see an exhibition, and the Art Tower stands next to the museum.

Parliament of Romania

The building is the third-largest administrative building by architect Anca Petrescu.

Drawings at SFPC

I made these sketches during a workshop by Hannah Davis. Later I recreated them in Processing.

Fibonacci Series Bridge

I found this wall on the way to MoMA PS1. Although it struck me, I did not find its intention.

Algorithmic Drawing

I made these sketches during a meeting in a hospital about workshops for autistic kids.

Brain 3D Print

I made this 3D print at Concordia University library based on my MRI scanning data.

Hotpot Order

You can make your own hotpot with this order sheet. I asked Nien Tzu for suggestions; thus I filled a sheet in Chinese.

Stairs at the SAT

This staircase welcomes you when entering at the Société des arts technologiques.