Primark Neon

Neon(-like) sign was used for the facade of Primark. The colors reminded me of something I wanted in my childhood, but I cannot remember what exactly it was.

Iron Station

The sign resembles Chinese and Japanese character, 文. In fact, I stayed in a different room of the same flat for a project with Vivian Lu.

Construction in Dortmund

Construction in Dortmund seemed to be taking place everywhere in the city.

Parallelogram Tiles

Disorienting tiles have a parallelogram shape.

Sign in Restaurant in Essen

A sign of human in a hotel restaurant in Essen resembles Hangul, Korean alphabet, 읏.

Einbahnstrasse in tanzhaus

Due to COVID-19, many venues have one-directional signs.

Surface Pro 4

On January 14, 2020, I dropped this tablet PC, which I have been using since 2017.

Bottles in Crates

After NODE20, I helped emptying and sorting bottles in crates.

Toothbrush Modulation

The handle of a toothbrush from Muji distorts the pattern like a modulator.


Mousonturm was a venue of NODE20.